Parshat Behar-Bechukotai, 5772/2012 thoughts
My Hillel (standing-on-one-foot) version:
- Whoever wrote the laws of Shmittah (Sabbatical Year) was a biblical ecologist (see Parshat Behar/Leviticus, chapter 25, verses 1-7).
- Whoever wrote the laws of Yovel (Jubilee Year) was a biblical socialist (see Parshat Behar/Leviticus chapter 25, verses 8-55.
- Whoever wrote the laws of assigning a person a monetary value (for donation to HaShem/G-d) was a biblical sexist (see Parshat Behukotai/Leviticus, chapter 27, verses 1-7).
- Parshat Behar (Wednesday, May 11, 2011)
- Parshat Behar--more info re shmittah restrictions (Friday, May 13, 2011)
- Conservadox's Dvar Torah- Behar-Bechukothai
Is the net effect of Yovel actually socalism, or does it empower an aristocracy. Every 50 years all the 'old families' get their land back, which means the converts, the resident foreigners and the non-firstborn who have managed to accumulate property lose theirs.
If yovel had been in force during Hillel's time do you think he would have nullified at as he did shmittah=?
Hmm, I never thought of Yovel from that angle. Thanks, Larry.
I know nothing about Hillel nullifying shmittah. If you don't mind my asking, could you post some more information about this?
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